The Skin Blog — rejuvenation

A Lesson In Body Hydration

We’re all well versed by now in the importance of hydration for your facial skin. But many neglect the hydration of their bodies, using a foaming but allegedly hydrating body wash, or minimising moisturising with a swipe of moisturiser on their legs and elbows alone. As a dermatologist, Dr Natasha Cook knows how important full-body hydration is, and how to most effectively hydrate from top to toe.  Going into the winter months, ignoring your body skin will give you a plethora of skin issues. Body care is imperative if you don't want to end up itchy, scratchy and flaky this...

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Future Proof Your Skin

This article was originally published on SPA+CLINIC. SPA+CLINIC catches up with leading Dermatologist Dr Natasha Cook on how to future proof your skin and the impact of the skin ageing exposome. Time to reverse the biological clock... From the moment we’re born, we begin to age. Every minute we’re alive, we’re ageing and damaging our skin. Until recently, it was thought that there was little we could do to prevent the ageing process – but with further study, it turns out that’s not true. We now know 80% of how we age is largely under our control determined by lifestyle factors and...

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The DrNc Glow

Why DrNC Has The Edge Over Other Products : The Secret To The DRNC Glow

Skincare and beauty is trending worldwide and the market’s filled with pseudo-scientific claims which often over promise and under deliver. Read More to find out what differentiates DrNC and why the products work.

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AHA BHA Skincare

The DrNC product my client’s husband “ABSOLUTELY LOVES!”

I love hearing stories of men falling in love with my DrNC products for the very first time. I was thrilled when one of my female clients revealed her discerning skincare junkie husband is hooked on one DrNC product in particular!  Believe it or not, we are fundamentally all the same with the same skin needs.

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